Mountain Shadows Association

May 25, 2023

A New Beginning, A New Entry!

Broken Pipes

Mountain Shadows owners are still discovering broken water pipes upon their return to their lots after this past December's brutal weather.

Please be careful when turning on water on your lot after a long shut off.

And then there are the trees...

Fallen Trees

When it comes to trees on lots, it is the responsibility of the owners to maintain their lots and financially to remove any trees that may be a hazard to them or their neighbors.
Periodically, neighboring owners, board members, or workers will identify trees that are a potential danger.
The trees are inspected in case there is need of a variance.
Owners, who are off site, are then contacted. If not reached within a certain length of time they will receive a certified letter.

If the street light is out in your section, let the board know.

Tom Quick will make sure Habersham repairs the pole. But they will only work on no less than 3 poles at a time.

Mountain Shadows Owners

Information and forms property owners may be interested in or need.

Contact us

For any general questions or suggestions please use the webmail.
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